Status (2/25 11:00pm) – 11 days old

Today is an exciting day…David got his feeding tube taken out. YAY!!  He ate 3 whole bottles in a row without the tube and since it was halfway out anyway, the nurse decided to take it out this morning.  Then, the doctor gave the official order to do demand feeding with him and see how he does with that.  So, he will be monitored the next 48 hours and then we’ll talk about a discharge plan for him!!  We’re hoping that he gets to go home early next week, but we’ll see what happens. Since taking his tube out, he has taken a few whole bottles and a most of the other bottles.  So, he’s doing pretty well so far with just the bottle feeding.

He is still being really squirmy and is definitely not a sound sleeper…no matter how much you swaddle him.  One time today the nurse found him with his head in one corner and his feet in the opposite corner.  I found him with his head basically touching the top of the crib.  So, we’ll have to watch this one while he sleeps.

In addition to no more feeding tube, David is also officially (well over) 5 lbs.  He was actually just over 5 lbs last night (5 lbs 0.9 oz) but tonight he weighed in at a whopping 5 lbs 2.5 oz.  So, needless to say, he’s gaining weight just fine.  We’ll see what happens in the next 24 hours.  Keep your fingers crossed!!

We were planning on giving him a tub bath tonight, but he had other plans with his feeding schedule.  So, maybe we’ll do it tomorrow.  We also might do the car seat test with him tomorrow.  He has to be able to sit in his car seat for 1.5 hours without any Brady alarms going off.  But, I’m sure he’ll be fine.

Here are a few more pictures to share with you all.

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