9 months old

Well, we have hit that next milestone…the 9 month mark.  David is becoming quite the little toddler right before our eyes.  He is pulling himself up on things and LOVES to stand holding onto our hands or furniture.  He likes being walked around while you hold his hands and he has actually stood by himself for a few moments on a few occasions…though now he knows what letting go means and when you try to let go of his hands, he sits down.  He hates his stomach, so we’re not really sure if he’s going to go through the crawling stage or not.  He may just skip that stage and go straight to walking or as I like to say, go straight to running.  He is constantly moving when you hold him, so by the end of mass every Sunday, I’m exhausted!!  He is also quite the little ham and loves to be around people.  The moms at my playgroup love how expressive he is.  I think he might be taking after me in that regard.

We went to the pediatrician today and David is 18 pounds and 27 inches (about the 12th percentile in each).  Unfortunately, he has short little legs and a long torso, so clothing him has become a bit of a challenge.  I’m never sure what is going to fit him and in what dimension it will be too big or too small.  Hopefully, his legs will catch up with the rest of his body soon.

In other news, we made a big trip to San Diego at the beginning of October to see friends and introduce David to everyone.  We also attended Stephanie and Tony’s wedding, which was a lot of fun and David got to spend some time with his Godfather, James.  In addition, we took David to the famous San Diego Zoo.  He slept through part of it, but did enjoy seeing a lot of the animals.  He really liked the big panda and the monkeys.   It was great to see everyone, but it was also an exhausting trip with David.  Because of the time change and the fact that he is a loud sleeper in general, neither Chip nor I got a lot of rest on this trip.  But, that’s OK, it was definitely worth the lack of sleep to spend time with some very dear friends.

We took a trip to the Indianapolis Zoo the weekend after we got home from San Diego for a few hours.  David had a great time looking at the animals.  We think the goats and donkeys in the petting zoo area were his favorite.

My parents also came to visit a few weeks ago.  They hadn’t seen David in a few months and he had definitely changed since the last time they saw him.  He loved playing with my Dad’s mustache while he held him and smiling for the camera as my Mom took pictures.  We took him to the park that weekend too and let him swing in the baby swing for the first time.  He wasn’t too sure about that, but he loved the little toddler see-saw.

We had beautiful weather last week.  It was so nice to get outside with David before it starts to get really cold here. My friend Alice and I went on a few walks which was really nice.  David and Charlie (Alice’s little boy) are only a few days apart in age, so it’s always fun to see them together.  They had a great time at the park together on the see-saw.