David's Latest Photo Shoot

I know you’ve all been waiting for these and here they are!  The pictures from David’s latest photo shoot.  Our friend Sunny came over on July 10, 2010 and took some great photos of David.  We had a really hard time narrowing it down, so you’re lucky there are only about 50.  Anyway, you won’t be able to tell from the photos, but David was actually a little fussy that afternoon.  So, these pictures definitely show the talent that Sunny has for photography…ironically her major has nothing to do with photography, she’s a linguistics graduate student.  Photography has become a side job for her to earn money for her wedding next summer, so we’re happy to help out and get some fabulous photos in return!!  Enjoy the photos and feel free to print any of them that you’d like.

PS – Immediate family are going to be receiving a few of them in the mail (or in person, if we’re seeing you in the next few weeks).

Some of the thumbnails don’t show the whole picture, so click on the picture to see the whole thing.