Finding a Fitness Center

With the continual possibility of an adoption at nearly any point in time, scheduling and planning always has a special challenge.  Not to say that we have expectations of the adoption at any point, but since we should always be ready, it is hard to plan anything which might be problematic if something were to come up quickly.  Vacation planning is like this—we have to worry first about the possibility that an adoption could occur before the trip, and second that it might prevent us from taking the trip.

Since fitness centers often have you sign very long contracts (1-2 years), we were worried that this endeavor would be the same way.  We have been considering looking for a fitness center because Kristina wants to take some group classes, and I wanted to find a pool I could swim in.  Overall, we both want to get in better shape, and a fitness center seems to be a good way to encourage us to work on that.  But since the adoption could come before the end of the contract period, we were worried we would get into the contract, and end up not making use of the opportunity.

We were pleasantly surprised to find out then, that both of the fitness centers in our area provide, as a part of normal dues, the option of watching your kids for you while you work out.  Granted, they won’t change diapers or feed the baby, but they will watch them, and make sure they are doing okay.  For somewhat older kids, they have toys and games and such, so they will watch kids from 6 weeks up to 12 years.

So we have now joined a local gym.  This morning we spent 40 minutes working out, and I spent that time swimming in the pool.  I am now exhausted from it, and will probably be sore tomorrow.  It amazes me just how out of swimming shape I am!  Hopefully I will work my way back into better shape.  My plan is to swim on the mornings I don’t have class.

And, if we do adopt sooner, we know we can bring the baby to the club with us while we work out!

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