
So, it’s official.  David is stuck with us!!  We finalized yesterday in the Probate Court in Marion County (Indianapolis).  It was all very short and sweet.  We showed up and met with the lawyer for a few minutes.  Then, we went in the courtroom and Chip took the “witness” stand and the lawyer asked him some questions (basic things like his job and if he had committed any crimes).  Then, I took the stand and answered some of the same questions and then a general question that said I agreed with all of Chip’s answers.  Finally, the judge had a chance to ask questions, but this judge never asks any questions.  So, that was pretty much it.  We were in and out in less than 15 minutes.

David was very good during the whole proceeding and at the end this particular judge likes to hold the babies and we all get a picture.  So, this will be a great picture to go in his baby book and to tell him about the day his adoption was finalized.  I’ve also posted some other recent photos.